Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Weekend (Week of May 26th)

Cookouts everywhere! Burgers, Dogs galore... I had a poor workout week but a good eating week. I have to put it all together soon. Had a great time at Granny's Family and Friends Day at church. It was also good seeing family at Irsela's home although the circumstances stunk. Hope everyone is well. Shout out to our soldiers fighting corageously overseas and Jessica. Drum-dogg

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Week 3 Updates - By May 19th

I hope everyone is exercising and eating right! Let's have a good week! Everyday is a new day. -Kerry

Monday, May 5, 2008

Week 2 Updates - By May 12th

It's a new week! Last week is forgotten (except if you owe Money)! Post your new progress here!

Thanks to everyone!

Wanted to thank everyone who attended the Shindig on Saturday in Charlotte! It was a lot of fun and we appreciate you guys making the trip to celebrate Mrs. Charlene Waddell Drummond. As far as eating good we definitely did that this past weekend...or not! I had a decent week last week. I played a round of golf on Wed. and worked out hard on Thursday. I ate healthy except for skipping breakfast two days and cheating by eating fries one night. They are just too tasty to pass up. Time to get back on the bandwagon I ran a couple of miles tonight and I am playing basketball this week. Have a great one peeps. Drum-dogg