Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 14 - By August 4, 2008

The summer heat is rising and weigh in is around the corner! Three weeks to go! We are in the home stretch.


Kerry said...

This week was another tough one for me. It was very busy and a bit stressful. We had a 60th birthday party for my mom which turned out great, but the prep work was a little hectic. I didn't eat fries and I did get to walk a few times, so I guess it wasn't all bad. I'm going to hunker down now and get to work on shedding my lbs! There is a lot of prize money at stake!

MimI said...

This week was great until the week-end came. I had fries on Friday and Bojangeles on Sunday. I made a pact with myself not to eat any fast food and see if it will make a difference in my weight.I'll try again this week just home cooking.

Drop Poundz said...

Busy week...still losing lbs. No fries, worked out a lot. Sweat out at practice a lot.

OJ said...

Yes another week has past and 3 more weeks to go. Maintaining but not losing, so that is not to bad.

2sweet said...

I had a good week, I did a lot of walking. I didn't eat any sweets. YIPEE FOR ME! I realize now my girls are my inspiration for being disciplined, eating right, and working out. They're coming home on Thursday so IT'S ON NOW, the Huff girls are going to get fine together. HAHAHHHA

energy said...

Hi everyone,

Last week was pretty good.

I believe I am really getting use to not eating sweets. However, I did find some good no sugar popsicles at Walmart. Today I pulled Charlene's name.

Have a great week.

Mary said...

Pretty good week--ate sensibly the exercise was soso. The Huff girls were with me Friday and Saturday. We walked the mall on Friday and we cooked out on Saturday which was fun. Like OJ, I'm maintaining but not losing. Better than gaining.

dimples said...

This week was ok. I only owe $2 and I did some working out this week. I have cooked more at home which is a big plus for me.

Junior said...

I owe $0. I have worked out hard this week. Losing lbs. slowly but consistently.

FreeBlackDove said...

Hello Everyone, it has been so hot this week!! I'm hoping that the poundds are melting off of me:)But I do owe this week $2 ate some fried chicken with my mom cheering me on..such a bad influence. But I plan to start working out with a friend of mine 3 times a week and I'm actually on my way, so talk to you next week.