Sunday, August 31, 2008

Congrats to Alma Miller!

Alma won the second round of the weight loss challenge! Good job Alma. Going Forward anyone who doesn't want to participate doesn't have to. Just please post that you are out. Some newbies have expressed interest in joining. Welcome Ruby and Jessica. William also expressed interest let me know if he was serious Cooky...
Rules for the next round:

1. Everyone must report their new banned food by next Monday. If you eat your banned food you must place two dollars in your jar.

2. When you make your post each week you must indicate how much weight was lost or gained that week. That means you must weigh yourself each week before you post. You don't have to give specific numbers but you cannot say "nothing's changed every week". If you lose or gain weight you must indicate how much.

3. Everyone will pay 10 dollars to stay in the competition. Final weigh in will be Dec. 6th in Rock Hill. Cooky I know that's a long way from Atlanta but please try and make it. EVERYONE will step on the scale and weigh-in before a neutral judge not in the competition.

If you can't do these three things please excuse yourself from competition– no one's feelings will be hurt we just want everyone on the same page.

Everyone please remember the reason for the competition is for our family to encourage each other to get in shape. I know weight is a sensitive topic but accountability is the key to weight loss... secrecy is a detriment. Let's be open and honest with each other and have a good time. Good luck people. Drum-Dogg


OJ said...

Well congrats Alma to your hard work!...But I must official withdraw my name from the competition. I will continue to work on losing weight for myself, but will not be able to continue competing with the family. Good luck to everyone.

Mary said...

It's been fun especially reading the blog every week. But I've decided to withdraw my name. I believe that somewhere along the way we lost sight of the real purpose of this endeavor----to help one another get in shape by sharing ideas and encouraging one another. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

2sweet said...

Congratulations Alma! In the midst of all of the discussion I didn't say it. Onward and Upward. I'm pledging to give up BREAD!!!!!!! Yes, at times it can be my enemy so if I'm going to be serious about losing the weight, I've got to let go of something that I truly love again!!!!! William has said he's definitely in, so I'm planning on doing blog training 101 sometime before next Monday. Thanks for putting the rules out there and reminding us of our original purpose. One quesiton, in December will our % be calculated based on our orignial weight or what we weighed in at on Sunday. For example, I'm not ashamed to say I started this endeavor off at 139 lbs, Sunday I weighed 143. Now, when I weight in in December,will it be the 1st weight or the last weight?

Let's get excited again Alergic Folk!


MimI said...

I want to apologize to Alma for not letting her moment of winning be rewarded before jumping on a personal issue. I apologize again Alma, count it aganist my head and mouth and not aganist my heart. Congratulation again!

dimples said...

Welcome Ruby, Jessica, and William. I am in agreement with the new rules, just have a couple of questions. 1) Is the $10 to stay in the competition on top of the $20 we all must pay in order to pay the next winner their $200? 2)How much do we have to pay if we do not blog in every week? I am giving up ice cream.

Junior said...

Congrats Mother-In-Law, great job! I am giving up caffinated drinks (tea and sodas). Good Luck everyone!

dimples said...

We need for the newbies to enter their weights. Please email me or call me so that I can put your weight on my log.

energy said...

Hi everyone,

Thanks to all of you for the congrats. Also, "THANK-YOU" Charlene for the apology. I fully accept it and I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, and I LOVE YOU SOME MORE. (smile)

I am so excited about this upcoming challenge and I agree with the rules. I was happy to read that William was joining the competition, along with Ruby and Jessica. However, in trying to put my game plan together, I realize that William and Ruby can loose weight pretty fast. Therefore, I am pledging to give up ALL fried foods and ALL sweets, fruits are not included. Plus, I will not eat anything after 8:00 pm. I realize these are lofty goals, but I'm a "fierce" competitor and I play to WIN.

Have a great week.

FreeBlackDove said...

Congrats Momma! you did a great job and it was well deserved. I have to say I am disappointed to see OJ and Mary leave the race but good luck to ya. I do not agree about us loosing focus on the real purpose but I do agree we need to support by encouraging each other and being happy for those when their goals were accomplished.

As for the new people that have come into the's own. I have been laying low for a while now but now it is my time to shine so I am sooo excited!! Steven I agree with all you said and I am on board thanks for taking the time to do that. We have a good three months and I plan to take advantage of it. I see now I have some real competition but I wish us all the best. OK family let's do this!!GOooooo JumpStart

I Sommer T. Miller pledge to give up FRIED FOODS...pray for me:)

Kerry said...

Congrats again Alma! And congrats to Steven too for working hard to lose weight. You both did an awesome job. I didn't get to hear what everyone else lost, so if there are other congrats that need to be given, I think we should celebrate every pound that was lost. I am pledging to give up caffinated and carbonated drinks. Good luck everyone!

energy said...

Hi everyone,

The blog for this week(9/8/08) was not up, so I am entering my info on the old blog.

When it is said that you are what you eat, it is so true. Since our weigh-in, I have eaten ice cream, chocolates, sunchips, and I have gained 2 pounds. Wow, I must do better because I hate to think that I am a body full of junk food.

Have a great week.

FreeBlackDove said...

People this week has not been the best:( I didnt think I did so bad but I got up this morning and got on the scale and it said that I gained six pounds! So what I do... I go to another scale which said that I gained four pounds. This still was not good enough for me so I went to my sisters to use her scale and guess what? it said that I gained nine. Something is wrong here!!But I will not be put off! I shouldn't eaten breakfast and then weighed in. I will not give up!

JAYE P. said...

Hello everyone! Im a newbie & i can understand why certain individuals dropped out! The obvious is there either sore losers or were just in it for the drama & now that the drama is gone they are too...o well dueces! Im happy to be a part of this now and im ready to lose this weight; im tired of having a fat belly! So I've decided to give up soda! Holla @ yall later!