Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 10 Updates - By July 7th, 2008

OK, so CA is a week away...(for most of us) and it will be time to slip on those swimsuits...who will be better prepared??? Weigh in is just over a month away too. It's time to get serious, there is a lot of money at stake!


Kerry said...

Well, no french fries for me this week. I did pretty well after our vacation last weekend. I think I may have lost another lb! I know you will all hate me if I win again, but I'm going to try anyways because I'd like to be looking good in my swimsuit before even thinking about having another child! My jar stays at $10!

MimI said...

Last week was pretty good,I went five days without going to a fast food joint. That's a record for me.I lost some more inches don't know about weight,because I haven't been on a scale lately.See most of you all in Cali!

energy said...

Hi everyone,

My week was wonderful. Sorry Steven, but I did not eat any sweets. Hurray!!! I am on my way to winning the big pot in August. The name of the person who I will not send $25.00 is Cooky.

Have a great week and I hope everyone has a great time in California next week. Love all of ya.

Drop Poundz said...

Yo- I am losing weight like crazy.. the pounds are just dropping off...I ate okay this week too many burgers and dogs on the fourth. I ran my tail off last week and we have a new eliptical machine at work that is great. Did anyone try my cottage chesse tip?? My tip for this week is lemon juice. Add a little lemon juice to your diet and I promise you will see a difference on the scale. I'm out! Drum-dogg

FreeBlackDove said...

Good week owe no money.

2sweet said...

Hey does anybody remember the gameshow the weakest link, well, that's me. I'm looking forward to Cali. but haven't lost a pound. I added $2 to my jar. I just couldn't resist the 4th of July cool whip strawberry blueberry flag cake. That puts me at $52 in my jar. Hum, I'm not sure what my game plan is right now. I'm working out but it's not workin out for me. Oh well, it's all good! OH yea ENERGY, why you pickin on me. I just hit my stride early, we should have done this a few months ago when I was truly motivated. If I ever get me another reliable partner for my early morning workouts, I'll hit my stride again. (smile)

OJ said...

another good week...still got a month to go, so watchout.

MimI said...

Cooky, Did you read Alma 's blog from last week?

Mary said...

Had a pretty good week. My jar is still at $14. Had a great time at the Drummond's on the 4th. Everything was great. Really looking forward to CA. See ya'll there.

Sommer---you didn't have much too say this week. Is everything ok?

dimples said...

Hey Everyone,
I had to add $2 to my jar this week. McDonald's tea has called my name this week. See you all in Cali.

Junior said...

Thanks to Charlene's mac n' cheese on Friday I swerved a little bit, but I am back on track now. Kerry you might get into that bathing suit but I am taking home the money. Watchout now!!!!!