Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Weekend (Week of May 26th)

Cookouts everywhere! Burgers, Dogs galore... I had a poor workout week but a good eating week. I have to put it all together soon. Had a great time at Granny's Family and Friends Day at church. It was also good seeing family at Irsela's home although the circumstances stunk. Hope everyone is well. Shout out to our soldiers fighting corageously overseas and Jessica. Drum-dogg


Drop Poundz said...

This week was great, I cooked some healthy meals at home. I think I've lost inches,but time will tell,no french fries for me.


Kerry said...

No french fries for me either!!! It wasn't a great week of exercising and eating, but it was ok. It was a busy week of working for me, so that added a little stress. Happy Memorial Day everyone, I hated to not be with you today!

dimples said...

Hi Everyone! Happy Memorial Day! I put my entry on last weeks links but I will tell you again that this was an awful week. I have to find my groove again. Hope everyone has an awesome week.

Junior said...

I owe $2 for mac n' cheese. Kerry I am still going to beat you.

Mary said...

I posted mine on last week's link too. But anyway I owe $2again this week. Other than that everything else was pretty good.

Steven- for future reference, it's Ursula.

FreeBlackDove said...

Hello Everyone, this week was pretty good but I ate Bojangles yesturday. Went to my sister's house and they are trying to sabotage me :) But to tell you the truth it didnt even taste as good. So any way thats $2 for me this week $6 so far in the jar. I'm not really seeing much weight loss but I guess I need to do more than just staying away from fried foods. The exercise part is going...I need to get outside more but I'm hoping to change that in the upcoming future. Till next week...don't let fat be your bestfriend

dimples said...

Hi everyone,

First,Nicke put me down for $6 smackeroos. It was worth it. I had a wonderful parfait with fresh strawberries, a cheese cake pudding, butter pound cake and cool whip. My stomach is still full. Had a good week otherwise. I ran about 30 miles this week and lost about 6 pounds. Next week, no desserts at all. Wish me luck.

I'm entering this into the blog on Nicke's computer. I forgot my password. Alma.

OJ said...

No fries again this week and it is getting easier. Haven't lost anything, but plans r to make a mad dash for the month of June.