Monday, November 24, 2008

Weight loss challenge over

Due to disputes over money owed and the inability of some contestants to make the weigh-in date in Rock Hill, the challenge is over. Congratulations to Kerry, Alma and everyone who lost pounds. Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Pot is BIG!

Hello Everyone! Here is the breakdown of dollars owed on top of your $20 entry fee for the round! This includes your missed posting weeks and your indulging in forbidden foods. Please feel free to check my math! In no particular order...

Jaye P.:$36
Bear:$30 due only to missed postings=(
Drop Poundz: $2

Entry Fees = $240
Additional Pot = $238

TOTAL POT as of 11/17 = $478 WOW someone is going to have a nice Christmas!!! I hope it's me!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Turkey Day...10 days and counting!

Reminder!!! Weigh in is set for December 6th in Rock Hill! We will celebrate all of the lbs we have shed over the past year. If you cannot make it to weigh in, you will not be eligible to win the $$$ (you will also need to send your $ to Charlene ahead of time so the winner can enjoy what they have earned). I will be tallying everyone's pot this week and posting it next week so you will know ahead of time how big the pot is...extra incentive! Also, to clarify, everyone owe's $20 just for participating this round (not an extra $10). Steven made a mistake and Nicke corrected him in the original rules post. It's going to be a tough race especially with Thanksgiving next week, but we can do it!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Updates Please!

Sorry this is getting out there so late on Monday. We've missed a few of your posts these past two weeks and some have been late! Nicke...are you keeping track? I am holding steady in the weight dept...I think we have about 4 or 5 more weeks until weigh in! Yikes! I owe no money for the week and I exercised 4 times. We'll see all of you skinny minnies at Thanksgiving! - Kerry

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election, Candy and More..

Hello people;)

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't have to work so I did. I'm voting tomorrow and for the first time in years I am excited to see how it turns out. Brennan was a great pumpkin for Halloween check his blog out to see some pics. I lost a pound this week so I am happy with that. November is a big month for losing weight– Say no to fast food. Have a great week. Drum-dogg

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not much to say!

Hello everyone! I don't have much to say about this weight loss week! Ugh! Please someone give us some inspiration to put down the junk! I owe $2 for the week. I tried to exercise a few times, but it didn't do me much good. I gained a lb. - Kerry PS...GO PANTHERS!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The holidays are creeping up!

The holidays are creeping up on me and I think my eating is too! Ugh. All of these birthdays have been bad for my waistline. Oh well...tomorrow is a new day and I have to take it one meal at a time. I don't owe any money and I gained a pound this week. Kerry.